Want to be a Full Stack Developer and build a real-life project?

Subodh Kumar Ray
4 min readJan 15, 2021

Today in this blog I’ll be sharing my experience of stage 1 by crio.do and the Learn By Doing concept.

It is an amazing initiative taken by crio.do that helps students/past out graduates in improving his/her technical skills and be a step closer to being a Full Stack Developer.

Crio Winter of Doing is a one-of-a-kind program focussed onbringing together budding engineering talent to work on challenging projects for the most exciting startups in the country.

It has 3 stages of learning, if one makes it to the 3rd stage of crio learn by doing he/she will get to build a real-life project.

Stage 1 was an eye-opener for me as I had no idea what the Inspect(Ctrl+Shift+I) feature was capable of doing.

Things I Learned from stage 1 of crio.do.

  1. HTTP
  2. REST
  3. Linus Basics 1
  4. Deploy App server in AWS
  5. Git basics
  6. HTTP is the most popular application protocol on the internet, which makes actions like internet browsing happen. It starts with a client machine sending requests in the HTTP format. The server machine receives the request, understands it, and takes appropriate action. The response again has to be formatted in a specific manner adhering to the HTTP protocol for the client to make sense of it.

This micro-experience had 7 milestones which helped me understand the different methods i.e.GET, POST, PUT, etc and different status codes received like 200.

2. REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer. REST APIs are those APIs that follow the guidelines set by the REST architecture. They follow a client-server model where one software program sends a request and the other response with some data. REST APIs commonly use the HTTP protocol to send requests & receive responses.

This micro-experience had 5 milestones that were quite new for me. In milestone 4, I posted a LinkedIn post using cURL bash. This was a challenging task for me as while I was trying to upload it using gitpod the terminal would show a 409 error.

“The HTTP 409 Conflict response status code indicates a request conflict with the current state of the target resource. Conflicts are most likely to occur in response to a PUT request”.

After several tries, I refreshed my LinkedIn tab and tried again to my surprised it worked later I came to know that it had something to do with the LinkedIn token.

3. Getting started with Linux 1

90% of public cloud computing services run Linux. A competent software developer must know how to use a Linux system comfortably. Some of the advantages of the Linux terminal include:

This micro-experience had 6 milestones that made me familiar with the basic Linux commands like creating a directory, sub-directory, moving from one folder to another using Linux commands, changing file permissions, and many more.

4. Deploy App server in AWS

Amazon Web Services is a subsidiary of Amazon providing on-demand cloud computing platforms and APIs to individuals, companies, and governments, on a metered pay-as-you-go basis.

This micro-experience had 6 milestones in which we had to create an AWS account and launch our first virtual server in AWS, I deployed the backend server of an app QEats and connected mobile app to that server using

  • IP Address: AWS instance public IP
  • Port number: 8081

5. Git Basics

Git is a distributed version control system for tracking changes in any set of files, originally designed for coordinating work among programmers cooperating on source code during software development. Its goals include speed, data integrity, and support for distributed, non-linear workflows.

This micro-experience had 5 milestones which cleared all my git basics and made me grow a love for Linux OS, from cloning

to push it thought me everything.


It is one of the things I would like to recommend to all my friends. What is a better way than Learn By doing?

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